Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ms, Long from Michigan OotM World Finals

Wow! We leftg on Tuesday, May 22nd, and it has been nonstop frenzy of fun and frolic. I was just getting ready to nod off to sleep when the fire alarm went off. We all went outside for awhile and the fire truck came. After a few minutes we were allowed back into our dorm rooms. It was a false alarm!
Best so far has been helping our South Korean team get to their long term problem meeting. Thank goodness for Pete Barker and Laurie White our unofficial taxi team. They helped get the Korean team to their stage and that took three trips. Then they came and watched the Koreans' performance. Off from there we went to the Creativity Festival. Imagine 800 people in a track and field building, 94 degrees and no ac. Do I need to say more? Yes, I do -- IT IS NOT A DRY HEAT!
Wednesday we had scoped out the campus. It is really huge. They have grass growing everywhere for no good reason. They have trees and everything is green -- I mean GREEN! We went to the children's garden too. What a beautiful place. The kids had so much fun.
Not to worry that there is no learning going on -- We learned how cheese was made from milking the cows to aging the cheese. This was great but the most fun was eating the ice cream at the Dairy Store. We are also learning Korean -- I have mastered "ounyung" which means Hi; of course it is not spelled like that.
The pin trading has become an obsession. I think we may have to have PTA meetings (Pin Traders Announomous) to break this habit. We will tell you more when I get back on. It is 10:15 pm and I must shower and go to bed. Tomorrow promises to be another great day!


Anonymous said...

What fun you all are having! The pictures are wonderful! We are so very proud and our good luck wishes are with ALL of you.

Judy Webb
Madison Simis

Dr. Flowers said...

Hello, OM Teams,
It sounds as though you are learning a lot. Keep it up; there may be an essay test later.
Your fan,
Dr. Flowers

Margo Montooth said...

Glad to hear you didn't miss a fire drill experience. We had one on Thursday. What day and what time will you present your long term problem? How many people will be in the audience? We are all excited and proud of your achievement!