Thursday, May 24, 2007

Bill and Daniel say checking in

We were asked some questions. Our buddy team is a team from South Korea. We agreed to help them and have fun with them. They are in our same division, but have a different long term problem. So, we don't directly compete with them. We were able to watch their performance today. They did great. Mrs. Long had to take them to their spot. Our rental cars helped out. Lucky for us that our site is kind of right accross the street, but this gave us a chance to see where the second grade team will be doing their presentation.

We had another full day. We unpaked our set and ran through several times this morning. then after watching the Korean team we went to the creativity festival. It is hard to describe, but it was in this big track and field house each state and country had a booth with games and challenges. There was some cool stuff in there. It was amlost as hot today (94). There are very few places air conditioned.

Another question was about the dorm. Our rooms have 2 beds, 2 desks, and one dresser. No carpet, no air and only two outlets. Our parents say this is normal. We think that they are joking. Nothing like a hotel. The bathroom is down the hall. We share with everybody else. Fire alarm is going on we have to go.


Anonymous said...

dear bill hope u r havin a gr8 time in mihigan my dad is coming up there soon so if u see him tell him i said hi!um u might wanna consider goin to mackina island. my dads uncle has a cherry farm there. oh and michigan is famous for its fudge and cherrys

From Andrew Pulcipher.

Anonymous said...

how are you doing ashley hope you are doing well


Anonymous said...

Guys,how late do you stay up?I really think you you guys should should get some sleep!The Korea guys have a cool skit!Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hello fourth grade odyssey team. I won't tell you who is sending this but I will give you a favorite letter is QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. Good luck.
P.S. I am not Jeremy Winkelman

Anonymous said...

Hey Dani, yes it's ur fav. sissy! Im here w/ mags and she says good luck and hi!!!

Anonymous said...

We also have to give a great big thank you to Margo Montooth, Simis School Secretary. She spent many, many hours making reservations, ordering landyards, counting and depositing the money donations for the OM Simis team. There were many times she was asked to make last minute changes and additons with reservations for hotels, transportation and making sure the team had a place to stay when they were in Michigan. Without all her hard work this would not have happened. Margo you are the best!This took time away from her daily schedules and deadlines. Margo - You deserve some of the the glory, too!!