Friday, May 25, 2007

Hello Arizona:

We are having a great time in Michigan! Here is our second grade team "official world finals photo!"

More photos and fun to come!!!

Madison, Gray, Alexis, Josh, Jeffrey, Holly & Annie


Margo Montooth said...

What a great looking team! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Hey guy's!This is the big sisters of Kayla and Aimee! A.K.A Maple and Apple.good luck guy's.Do you have a buddy team?How's the hotel service?Do you still have to learn in some way?Any quizs?Post!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how much sleep do u get? did u know that kid 6-9 sould get 10-12 hours of sleep ea. nite? i suggest that u get that much sleep if u want to do well.
Maple & Apple

Anonymous said...

is the food good?yuck or yum?


Anonymous said...

is the food good?yuck or yum?
