Sunday, May 20, 2007

Almost time

Well, here it is Sunday night. We have one day of school and then it is off to Michigan for the competition. We got word last week that our props had arrived and we just have to pack up and go. This is going to be such an exciting week. Wish you could all go with us.


Margo Montooth said...

Good luck OM teams! FYI: I've posted a link to this site for you. Follow the "Simis Odyssey Teams Compete in World Finals in East Lansing Michigan May 22-27" link on HOME page. We are all very proud of you!

Mr Studebaker's Class said...

Hi Team! We're excited for you! Hope you made it there okay!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

So glad you made it safe and sound. How fun that you already met your S. Korean buddies at the airport! Use lots of sign language, I'm sure you will find a way to communicate.

Morgan wore her O. M. shirt to school today as a sign of support for the teams.

We are looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Have tons of fun!!!!

Cindy and Morgan Carr

Dr. Flowers said...
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Dr. Flowers said...

Hello, OM Students,
We are all missing your handsom and beautiful faces here at Simis. The weather is very nice here and everyone is excited about school's ending.
We hope you are learning A LOT and having a great adventure.