Friday, May 25, 2007

More Opening Ceremonies

Here's a photo of the big Laser Light Show Finale of the Opening Ceremonies... lots of lights, lasers and loud music -- what could be more fun??!!!

Wow -- afterwards the teams were really pumped!


Anonymous said...

good luck :)

Anonymous said...

hope u r having a great competition CARLY!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Long and students i hope you win! i'm sure you'll win again!

Sophie Pall.

Anonymous said...

U guys r so lucky 2 be in there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) That laser light show could have been kool!!!Have you won!? Have u been watching the playoffs? Have seen the Detroit Pistons? I u have , their in the eastern confence finals! there up 2-0 aginst the Cavs.!!! hope your okey by From Shawn Joshevama p.s. HI Bill!!:);)

Anonymous said...

hey mickey who got to be in the parade on wednesday. oh and Micheala Mitchell you didnt call me at all when you promised me you would. i will call you tonight and i hope you answere, its friday . i hope you are having a great time in michigan! oh and you spelt almost wrong on your blog and your in gifted language arts. i miss you a lot! in the pictures it looked really really crouded. are you having a fun time in michigan? how late do you stay up? and howd the parade go, you told me it would be awsome. you guys must stay up late cause you guys are spelling evrything wrong on your blog. you guys are going to do geat in the compitition! i miss you soo much and i dont have anything to do in the recesses cause you wenta way. i miss you.

From your,

Anonymous said...

OH ya cereal from Shawn Joshevama and Andrew poopoo ps andrew aprooved of this!!!!!!!!!!