Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday afternoon update

We had lunch today with the buddy team from Korea. We exchanged gifts and told stories. They finished today and now for them it is party time. They gave us T shirts and pens and some cool fans. After lunch we went out to take pictures and ended up playing some games. It started off today raining and now it is breezy and cool. Much better than the last few days. Today we have our spontaneous problem and then it is up early for breakfast and long term in the morning. We are having breakfast at 6:00 a.m. thats 3:00 a.m. at home, and then we compete at about 8:30 a.m.

More Opening Ceremonies

Here's a photo of the big Laser Light Show Finale of the Opening Ceremonies... lots of lights, lasers and loud music -- what could be more fun??!!!

Wow -- afterwards the teams were really pumped!

Opening Ceremonies


This is a scene from the Opening Ceremonies. There were over 800 teams from around the world there -- and the basketball was filled with 18,000 OMERs (Odyssey of the Mind-ers!). It was a sight to be seen. Every country or state had t-shirts of the same color and they all marched in and formed blocks of color on the floor and in all the lower seats -- it was spectacular!

Hello Arizona:

We are having a great time in Michigan! Here is our second grade team "official world finals photo!"

More photos and fun to come!!!

Madison, Gray, Alexis, Josh, Jeffrey, Holly & Annie

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Photos from Thursday

Even Sideways we look good.
Our Korean Friends in their presentation.

Ms, Long from Michigan OotM World Finals

Wow! We leftg on Tuesday, May 22nd, and it has been nonstop frenzy of fun and frolic. I was just getting ready to nod off to sleep when the fire alarm went off. We all went outside for awhile and the fire truck came. After a few minutes we were allowed back into our dorm rooms. It was a false alarm!
Best so far has been helping our South Korean team get to their long term problem meeting. Thank goodness for Pete Barker and Laurie White our unofficial taxi team. They helped get the Korean team to their stage and that took three trips. Then they came and watched the Koreans' performance. Off from there we went to the Creativity Festival. Imagine 800 people in a track and field building, 94 degrees and no ac. Do I need to say more? Yes, I do -- IT IS NOT A DRY HEAT!
Wednesday we had scoped out the campus. It is really huge. They have grass growing everywhere for no good reason. They have trees and everything is green -- I mean GREEN! We went to the children's garden too. What a beautiful place. The kids had so much fun.
Not to worry that there is no learning going on -- We learned how cheese was made from milking the cows to aging the cheese. This was great but the most fun was eating the ice cream at the Dairy Store. We are also learning Korean -- I have mastered "ounyung" which means Hi; of course it is not spelled like that.
The pin trading has become an obsession. I think we may have to have PTA meetings (Pin Traders Announomous) to break this habit. We will tell you more when I get back on. It is 10:15 pm and I must shower and go to bed. Tomorrow promises to be another great day!

Bill and Daniel say checking in

We were asked some questions. Our buddy team is a team from South Korea. We agreed to help them and have fun with them. They are in our same division, but have a different long term problem. So, we don't directly compete with them. We were able to watch their performance today. They did great. Mrs. Long had to take them to their spot. Our rental cars helped out. Lucky for us that our site is kind of right accross the street, but this gave us a chance to see where the second grade team will be doing their presentation.

We had another full day. We unpaked our set and ran through several times this morning. then after watching the Korean team we went to the creativity festival. It is hard to describe, but it was in this big track and field house each state and country had a booth with games and challenges. There was some cool stuff in there. It was amlost as hot today (94). There are very few places air conditioned.

Another question was about the dorm. Our rooms have 2 beds, 2 desks, and one dresser. No carpet, no air and only two outlets. Our parents say this is normal. We think that they are joking. Nothing like a hotel. The bathroom is down the hall. We share with everybody else. Fire alarm is going on we have to go.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bill and Daniel say "Hi"

Hello from Michigan. Today we got the pleasure in meeting our Korean buddies. We were shocked at how well they speak English. We traded pins from as far as Singapore and Germany. We walked and walked and walked and walked (by this time I think you understand our feelings). We went to the University Dairy and a beautiful garden. The weather ranged from the mid eighties to the nineties. We appreciate all of the support you have given us. We look forward to seeing your comments.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Almost time

Well, here it is Sunday night. We have one day of school and then it is off to Michigan for the competition. We got word last week that our props had arrived and we just have to pack up and go. This is going to be such an exciting week. Wish you could all go with us.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Both the 2nd and 4th Grade teams advance to World Finals!

We are so proud of our two teams that will advance to the World Competition in Lansing, Michigan May 23-26. This will be an incredible experience for all the children, coaches and families. What a tribute this is to our great school, Madison Simis Elementary.

A special thanks to our principal, Dr. Joyce Flowers for all of her hard work and unwavering support.

Simis 2nd Graders win 2nd Place at State!!

Simis 2nd Graders are on their way to compete at World Finals.

Pictured are Coach Altherr with team members Jeffrey Peterson, Holly McDonald, Annie Kufel, Alexis Weishaar, Gray Olson, Madison Sotomayor and Josh Kaplan.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

4th Grade celebrates 1st place victory at State

Winning First Place at State are:
Coach Mrs. Long and team members (left to right from the back) Matthew Kaplan, Bill Barker, Daniel Carr, Scott Fitsimones, Ashley Marshall, Carly White and Michaela Mitchell.

Simis Competes in Central Region

4th grade team decorates Ms Long at Central Competition